The Dahlia Project


The Dahlia Project is a ground-breaking specialist service providing free access to therapeutic support for survivors of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The project was co-founded by Dr. Leyla Hussein to fill the existing vacuum of programs and organisations providing support specifically tailored to the needs of FGM survivors. The Dahlia Project focuses on providing a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space where participants can discuss their experiences with trained counsellors, understand the effects of FGM on their physical and mental health, and rebuild their emotional wellbeing and resilience.

To ensure all barriers to access of support for survivors are removed, support groups are always held in neutral spaces that women can access easily and childcare and travel costs are covered for each participant. Taking a holistic approach, The Dahlia Project also recognises the importance of  post-therapy empowerment. Monthly sessions continue for women who have participated in therapeutic groups and want to continue meeting together in a non-therapeutic way. These groups are designed as safe spaces where the women can come and be themselves, away from daily challenges.

Apart from a focus on the individual, The Dahlia Project Project also works to share stories, research, and best practice in order to reach the public, affected communities, policymakers, and frontline professionals. The project has developed and published resources to inform best practice and bring about policy change, based on research and evaluation of its own services. The project advocates to ensure FGM training is mandatory for all frontline professionals working with women and children.

Leyla is no longer active at the Dahlia Project.



University of St Andrews Rector

